Karnataka PMB Result 2024
December 27, 2024
The official website to check the Karnataka Paramedical Results 2024 is pmbkarnataka.org which is expected to be uploaded by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Karnataka. The results will be declared for the different paramedical courses that is the nursing courses, pharmacy and other allied health science courses.
The candidates who have written the paramedical exams of Karnataka can easily get their results through the official web site. The Department has not provided the specific date for the declaration of the result but the it is expected to be released in the next few weeks.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to check Karnataka PMB result 2024:
Step 1: Visit the website of Government of Karnataka’s PMB at pmbkarnataka.org.
Step 2: On the homepage, of the official website of Karnataka Paramedical, click on the link that reads ‘Karnataka Paramedical Results 2024’.
Step 3: After a while, you will be transferred to another page where you will be required to supply your login information.
Step 4: It’s necessary to type your roll number and password or date of birth and press the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 5: Your Karnataka PMB Result 2024 will be displayed on the screen within no time.
Step 6: It is recommended to download one copy of the result and have it printed for future use.
The Department has also declared the merit list of all the candidates who have come up on the paramedical exams. The merit list is also provided in the official website and basically to get there, follow the steps stated above.
The Karnataka PMB Result 2024 will have data in some important fields such as candidate’s name, roll number, marks scored in the examination and result status. As the result, candidates are urged to scrutinize all details highlighted on the result and if disputes arise, candidates should contact authorities.
Counseling is the next process that qualifiers advance to undergo in their search for a university to join. However, the Department will soon put up counseling schedule on its official website after the declaration of the result. All the candidates are requested to regularly check the official website for the next further updates.
The Karnataka Paramedical exams were held in different test centres in the state and many students took the exams. For this reason the Department has done everything possible to make the examination streamlined and transparent.
Students are also showing interest in paramedical courses because they can find well paid jobs in many sectors of medicine. The Department of Health and Family Welfare, Karnataka was established with an objective to impart education training and additional skill building in the paramedical courses of the state with a view to enhance the health care facilities of Karnataka.
Thus, the Karnataka Paramedical Results 2024 link will be activated on an official educational portal soon, and the applicants are recommended to follow that particular link regularly. The Department has also published merit list of successful candidates for the programs; counseling will start soon. On behalf of this University, let alone the Faculty, we are immensely proud of you, wishing you the very best in your future endeavours as professionals in hopefully, your desired field of paramedical science.
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